Impressions: 275 Years of FAU
275th anniversary of FAU - The jubilee year began with an international scientific symposium on the topic 'Future of Research - Research of Future'. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
275th anniversary of FAU - The jubilee year began with an international scientific symposium on the topic 'Future of Research - Research of Future'. Public lecture by Thomas Reiter. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
275th anniversary of FAU - The jubilee year began with an international scientific symposium on the topic 'Future of Research - Research of Future'. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
275th anniversary of FAU - The jubilee year began with an international scientific symposium on the topic 'Future of Research - Research of Future'. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
275th anniversary of FAU - The jubilee year began with an international scientific symposium on the topic 'Future of Research - Research of Future'. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
275th anniversary of FAU - The jubilee year began with an international scientific symposium on the topic 'Future of Research - Research of Future'. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
Jubilee concert in Neustädter Church. (January 19, 2018). (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
Happy Birthday FAU! FAU alumni and students congratulated their Alma Mater on its 275th anniversary with a concert by a specially-created project orchestra. (Bild: Julia Scholz) -
Exhibition: 'cosmos of the fragment' by Georg Pöhlein. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Exhibition: 'cosmos of the fragment' by Georg Pöhlein. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Exhibition: 'cosmos of the fragment' by Georg Pöhlein. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Knowledge market days in Erlangen (May 5, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Erlangen (May 5, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Erlangen (May 5, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Erlangen (May 5, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Young brewers from the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering at FAU decided to give their University a very special gift for its 275th birthday: its own anniversary beer. (Bild: FAU/Giulia Ianicelli) -
Brewing start of the anniversary beer in the private brewery Kitzmann. In the picture from left to right: Stefan Herz, Braumeister Kitzmann-Bräu, Lisa Jordan, Nachwuchsbrauerin und Doktorandin an der FAU, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Castiglione, Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Bioverfahrenstechnik, Peter Kitzmann, Geschäftsführer Kitzmann-Bräu, sowie Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, Präsident der FAU. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
Young brewers from the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering at FAU decided to give their University a very special gift for its 275th birthday: its own anniversary beer. (Bild: FAU/Giulia Ianicelli) -
‘Rowing like the Romans’ - In May, the ship was launched as ‘Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis’ (FAN) and made its maiden voyage. The subsequent public trips connected the three university cities of Erlangen, Fürth and Nürnberg via the canal they share. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
‘Rowing like the Romans’ - In May, the ship was launched as ‘Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis’ (FAN) and made its maiden voyage. The subsequent public trips connected the three university cities of Erlangen, Fürth and Nürnberg via the canal they share. (Bild: FAU/Boris Mijat) -
‘Rowing like the Romans’ - In May, the ship was launched as ‘Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis’ (FAN) and made its maiden voyage. The subsequent public trips connected the three university cities of Erlangen, Fürth and Nürnberg via the canal they share. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
‘Rowing like the Romans’ - In May, the ship was launched as ‘Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis’ (FAN) and made its maiden voyage. The subsequent public trips connected the three university cities of Erlangen, Fürth and Nürnberg via the canal they share. (Bild: FAU/Boris Mijat) -
‘Rowing like the Romans’ - In May, the ship was launched as ‘Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis’ (FAN) and made its maiden voyage. The subsequent public trips connected the three university cities of Erlangen, Fürth and Nürnberg via the canal they share. (Bild: FAU/Boris Mijat) -
‘Rowing like the Romans’ - In May, the ship was launched as ‘Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis’ (FAN) and made its maiden voyage. The subsequent public trips connected the three university cities of Erlangen, Fürth and Nürnberg via the canal they share. (Bild: FAU/Boris Mijat) -
Rowing works up an appetite. It is therefore fitting that the Roman patrol and convoy boat built by students, school pupils and other volunteers under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Boris Dreyer, expert in ancient history at FAU, should have its own bread. Not just any bread, of course, but genuine Roman bread. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Rowing works up an appetite. It is therefore fitting that the Roman patrol and convoy boat built by students, school pupils and other volunteers under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Boris Dreyer, expert in ancient history at FAU, should have its own bread. Not just any bread, of course, but genuine Roman bread. (Bild: Tobias Ballbach) -
Knowledge market days in Fürth (May 26, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Fürth (May 26, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Fürth (May 26, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Fürth (May 26, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
Knowledge market days in Nürnberg (June 9, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/ Gulia Iannicelli) -
Knowledge market days in Nürnberg (June 9, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/ Gulia Iannicelli) -
Knowledge market days in Nürnberg (June 9, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/ Gulia Iannicelli) -
Knowledge market days in Nürnberg (June 9, 2018). FAU wanted to go where the people are! At its own FAU market stall – in among the traditional market stalls – scientists will shared their knowledge and research with visitors. (Bild: FAU/ Gulia Iannicelli) -
FAU goes Adidas - On June 19, 2018 275 FAU-students had the opportunity to celebrate the 275th anniversary of FAU and the longtime collaboration with adidas at adidas World of Sports. (Bild: adidas AG) -
FAU goes Adidas - On June 19, 2018 275 FAU-students had the opportunity to celebrate the 275th anniversary of FAU and the longtime collaboration with adidas at adidas World of Sports. (Bild: adidas AG) -
FAU goes Adidas - On June 19, 2018 275 FAU-students had the opportunity to celebrate the 275th anniversary of FAU and the longtime collaboration with adidas at adidas World of Sports. (Bild: adidas AG) -
“AM4FAU” – the FAU anniversary shoe. The AM4FAU shoe was presented at the ‘FAU goes adidas’ event at adidas’ World of Sports in Herzogenaurach on June 19 2018. (Bild: adidas AG) -
FAU goes Adidas - On June 19, 2018 275 FAU-students had the opportunity to celebrate the 275th anniversary of FAU and the longtime collaboration with adidas at adidas World of Sports. (Bild: adidas AG) -
FAU goes Adidas - On June 19, 2018 275 FAU-students had the opportunity to celebrate the 275th anniversary of FAU and the longtime collaboration with adidas at adidas World of Sports. (Bild: adidas AG) -
FAU goes Adidas - On June 19, 2018 275 FAU-students had the opportunity to celebrate the 275th anniversary of FAU and the longtime collaboration with adidas at adidas World of Sports. (Bild: adidas AG) -
Jubilee concert in Neustädter Church. (June 28, 2018). (Bild: Erlanger Universitätsmusik) -
conference #inNuevation in Nürnberg (July 2-3, 2018). (Bild: Fraunhofer IIS/Peter Roggenthin) -
conference #inNuevation in Nürnberg (July 2-3, 2018). (Bild: Fraunhofer IIS/Peter Roggenthin) -
conference #inNuevation in Nürnberg (July 2-3, 2018). (Bild: Fraunhofer IIS/Peter Roggenthin) -
Impressions from the honouring of the graduates and jubilarians on 21 July 2018 in the stadium of the SpVgg Greuther Fürth. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Impressions from the honouring of the graduates and jubilarians on 21 July 2018 in the stadium of the SpVgg Greuther Fürth. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Impressions from the honouring of the graduates and jubilarians on 21 July 2018 in the stadium of the SpVgg Greuther Fürth. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Impressions from the honouring of the graduates and jubilarians on 21 July 2018 in the stadium of the SpVgg Greuther Fürth. (Bild: FAU/Georg Pöhlein) -
Conference ‘Margravine Wilhelmine von Bayreuth and the Erlangen University: Arts and Sciences in Dialogue’ (Oktober 11-13, 2018). (Bild: Kunst-Inventar Nr. 331) -
Digital Tech Summit & Hackathon in Nürnberg (Bild: Zollhof) -
The jubilee edition of friedrich - This magazine looks back on FAU's 275-year-histroy, and perhabs even more importantly, looks at the future of research and teaching at the FAU. (Bild: FAU) -
The ‘275 Years of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg’ project details the Faculty of Medicine in its chronological development and structure, looking closely at the people and interests involved, the scientific, cultural, social and political conditions. -
‘Knowledge in Motion’: book presentation on the Dies Academicus (4 November 2018). (Bild: FAU/Harald Sippel) -
University church service for the 275th anniversary on 4 November (Bild: FAU/ Harald Sippel) -
University church service for the 275th anniversary on 4 November (Bild: FAU/ Harald Sippel) -
Exhibition: ‘The Hohenzollern and the FAU – Past and Present’ (November 2018) (Bild: FAU/Erich Malter) -
Exhibition: ‘The Hohenzollern and the FAU – Past and Present’ (November 2018) (Bild: FAU/Erich Malter) -
Exhibition: ‘The Hohenzollern and the FAU – Past and Present’ (November 2018) (Bild: FAU/Erich Malter) -
Exhibition: ‘The Hohenzollern and the FAU – Past and Present’ (November 2018) (Bild: FAU/Erich Malter) -
Exhibition: ‘The Hohenzollern and the FAU – Past and Present’ (November 2018) (Bild: FAU/Erich Malter) -
Dies-academicus Jubilee on November 4, 2018. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
Dies-academicus Jubilee on November 4, 2018. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
Dies-academicus Jubilee on November 4, 2018. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
Dies-academicus Jubilee on November 4, 2018. (Bild: FAU/Kurt Fuchs) -
FAU film night on 29 November 2018 - Here’s to creativity at FAU! Students, alumni and employees were invited to capture the University motto ‘Knowledge in Motion’ on film in a competition of the same name run to mark the anniversary year. (Bild: FAU)