Ein Hoch auf die Kreativität der FAU! Studierende, Alumni und Beschäftigte haben zum Jubiläumsjahr das Universitätsmotto „Wissen in Bewegung“ für den gleichnamigen Filmwettbewerb in bewegten Bildern eingefangen. Alle eingesandten Filme werden bei der FAU-Filmnacht im Großen Saal der Kulturwerkstatt auf AEG gezeigt.
In the jubilee year, FAU will confer awards to its doctoral students in a Doctoral Awards Celebration, in addition to the established doctoral ceremonies at the respective faculties.
After the gala concert to mark the beginning of the year of anniversary celebrations in January, the academic choir will be holding another concert for FAU's anniversary during the summer semester. On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 8pm, a concert will be held in Neustädter Church.
After the gala concert to mark the beginning of the year of anniversary celebrations in January, the academic choir will be holding another concert for FAU's anniversary during the summer semester. On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 8pm.
275 years ago, a church service was held in Neustädter Church in Erlangen on 4 November to celebrate the founding of the University. After 275 years, the anniversary will now again fall on a Sunday, the perfect occasion to celebrate the University’s anniversary with a University service in the church at 10am on 4 November 2018.
On FAU’s actual birthday, the Dies Academicus, guests from across the jubilee year can expect a small surprise. Additionally, the three winners of the ‘My FAU’ film competition will make their debut, and ’The Hohenzollern and the FAU – Past and Present’ exhibition will open in the university library. In the context of the opening of the exhibition, FAU’s foundation documentation will be made accessible online for the first time.